Post by GAZETAR on Jul 2, 2008 14:05:04 GMT 2
Dragii mei,
Mama unei foste colege de la noi de la Pleon este foarte grav bolnava – are nevoie de o operatie in Austria, altfel nu are nicio sansa sa supravietuiasca.
Costul acestei interventii medicale (operatie, spitalizare, transport) se ridica la 28.000 de euro. Pana acum a strans 12.000. Operatia ar trebui sa aiba loc saptamana viitoare. Credeti ca o putem ajuta si noi cu ceva? Cat de putin…
Am atasat si documentele medicale si raspunsul clinicii din Austria prin care suntem informati de costul suplimentar.
Blogul ei:
Pentru donatii avem doua variante – fie strangem toti banii noi si ii dam Ioanei, fie donati direct in contul de pe blogul ei!
Andrada Morar
PR Account Executive
M.+40 720 764 065
Dear Mrs. Bica,
After discussion of the case, we can offer surgery for recurrent atypical meningioma of the right trigonal region.
First, I inform you that the cost estimation for surgery, 20 days hospitalization including intensive care additionally to the insurance coverage is € 17.170,--.
This estimate is for the total costs for hospitalisation in the special care category - separate of the costs which are covered by Form E 112-RO, in case of unpredictable developments the costs will increase.
The amount has to be deposited before admittance at the Vienna General Hospital and paid to the account of :
Allgemeines Krankenhaus der Stadt Wien
Bank Austria Creditanstalt AG,
Kto.Nr. 5142845 5902, BLZ 12000
IBAN: AT31 1200 0514 2845 5902
Purpose: For patient Rusu Felicia Georgeta, NCH
If you agree on that we can proceed to schedule the admission date.
Yours sincerely
Stefan Wolfsberger
Univ.Doz.Dr.Stefan Wolfsberger
Dept.of Neurosurgery
Medical University Vienna (AKH)
Waehringer Guertel 18-20
1090 Vienna
P +43/1/40400-4560
F +43/1/40400-4566
Mama unei foste colege de la noi de la Pleon este foarte grav bolnava – are nevoie de o operatie in Austria, altfel nu are nicio sansa sa supravietuiasca.
Costul acestei interventii medicale (operatie, spitalizare, transport) se ridica la 28.000 de euro. Pana acum a strans 12.000. Operatia ar trebui sa aiba loc saptamana viitoare. Credeti ca o putem ajuta si noi cu ceva? Cat de putin…
Am atasat si documentele medicale si raspunsul clinicii din Austria prin care suntem informati de costul suplimentar.
Blogul ei:
Pentru donatii avem doua variante – fie strangem toti banii noi si ii dam Ioanei, fie donati direct in contul de pe blogul ei!
Andrada Morar
PR Account Executive
M.+40 720 764 065
Dear Mrs. Bica,
After discussion of the case, we can offer surgery for recurrent atypical meningioma of the right trigonal region.
First, I inform you that the cost estimation for surgery, 20 days hospitalization including intensive care additionally to the insurance coverage is € 17.170,--.
This estimate is for the total costs for hospitalisation in the special care category - separate of the costs which are covered by Form E 112-RO, in case of unpredictable developments the costs will increase.
The amount has to be deposited before admittance at the Vienna General Hospital and paid to the account of :
Allgemeines Krankenhaus der Stadt Wien
Bank Austria Creditanstalt AG,
Kto.Nr. 5142845 5902, BLZ 12000
IBAN: AT31 1200 0514 2845 5902
Purpose: For patient Rusu Felicia Georgeta, NCH
If you agree on that we can proceed to schedule the admission date.
Yours sincerely
Stefan Wolfsberger
Univ.Doz.Dr.Stefan Wolfsberger
Dept.of Neurosurgery
Medical University Vienna (AKH)
Waehringer Guertel 18-20
1090 Vienna
P +43/1/40400-4560
F +43/1/40400-4566